Jiangshuai Liu 
Patent Attorney
Tel: 022-58562060-8032
Email: liujiangshuai@hanraylaw.com
Career Experience
Mr. Liu worked as a mechanical designer in Qinhuangdao Fanghua Essem Machinery Co., Ltd., responsible for the complete design of non-standard mechanical equipment;
Previously, he served as a research and development designer and project leader in ABNORD (Beijing) Medical Technology Co., Ltd., responsible for the structural research and development, mechanical performance testing, management and training of nanoscale processing equipment, project leader in the project of intraocular implanted myopia lenses, and patent layout analysis of competitor products.
Expertise Field
Patent agency, including patent mining, writing and proofreading patent application documents, responding to examination opinions, patent search, and other related businesses.
The technical field mainly involves machinery, electrical automation, ophthalmic implant lenses, and ophthalmic surgical tools. engineering.
Bachelor of Mechanical Design, Manufacturing, and Automation
Social Duty
Member of AIPPI
Member of INTA
Working Languages
Chinese, English